I dig going places. New places, forgotton places, close places, and out of the way places. I find true happiness in discovering a new riffle, a ripped barstool, a cup of coffee at 6am, new sky to watch my campfire crackle into, a trail, good tunes on a stage, acres of water, or a highway laid over an entirely new landscape.

I like to ramble.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Main Entry: 1ram·ble
Pronunciation: \ˈram-bəl\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): ram·bled; ram·bling
intransitive verb

1 a : to move aimlessly from place to place b : to explore idly

2 : to talk or write in a desultory or long-winded wandering fashion

I love rambling. I love songs about rambling. The Stones, Creedence, Led Zeppelin, and The Allman Brothers all wrote about the art of rambling, and I listened.

I decided today that I'm going to ramble quite a bit. I'm going to move aimlessly from place to place and explore idly. I'm going to experience more. More rivers, more roadhouses, more campfires, more greasy-spoon diners, more music, more mountain highways, more drink, and more big sky. These are all aspects of life that lured me out West to Colorado in the first place. I've just gotten too wrapped up in all the day-to-day bullshit to appreciate that all these things are right around me...I've just got to go find them.

This blog site is not intended to be a pretentious forum for me to brag about what I'm doing and what other people are not. In fact, it's more to inspire. Sure, it's meant to inspire you to get out and sample what's out there. But it's mainly a selfish endeavor...one that allows me fulfill my left-brained needs of creativity through writing, and soon-to-be pics and video. At least I think the left-brain is the creative side...

The basis of this blog is to celebrate what I have become enamored with years ago: Rambling. I'm assuming you've read the definitions above, both of which are right on point with how I use the term. But there is so much more involved with rambling. Allow me to elaborate.

I sometimes think that my desire to ramble comes from my not-professionally-diagnosed-yet ADD. I have a hard time focusing on one thing and being content with staying in one place. I want to see what's around the corner. I want to check out the next riffle. I'm also a very jaded and cynical sort, especially when it comes to daily grinds. I want to meet interesting people on my own watch...not be forced to associate with dipshits for a living. And some of the desire to ramble has to do with experiencing a non-popularized American culture. What I mean by that is meeting the type of person who is genuine, unique, idealistic, simple, and real. Small town, mountain town, no town...the type of person who is not fueled by corporate ladders, 401Ks, a nicer car than their neighbor's, power, and greed.

Rambling for me represents freedom. It consists of a roadtrip, an adventure, exploring, meeting new folks, eating new food, trying the local flavor. It's an escape from real life. And unfortunately for a lot of us, real life consists of the type of negative people described above. When they start getting the best of you, it's time to ramble.

I'm going to build this blog around the freedom to ramble. My getaways are going to be documented by word, photo, and video. Along the way, I intend on giving a "thumbs up" to people, places, and products that have helped me further enjoy my time rambling. "Thumbs up" is just a non-nauseating way of saying "props" or "shout out". "Credit where credit is due" may be a better way of putting it. Anyway, I'm giving credit where credit is due and my honest to goodness opinion on all things that make me grin or cringe along the way. If I stop at cool place that I think someone else should try out if they're ever in the area, then I'll let you know. I'll give you my two cents and link or something. If I'm using a piece of gear while fishing or hiking or whatever, I'll let everyone know that it's good shit. As long as there's something or someone that makes my excursions more enjoyable (and there always is) I'm going to give a thumbs up.

If there's someone or something that throws a wrench in my ramble, you'll hear about that too. So don't make shitty gear or be a jerk.

So if you're ever in the area of one of my rambles, check out my recommendations on taverns, breakfast diners, gear, trails, rivers, roadhouses, gas stations, and eat 'em up joints. I've got fantastic taste. And you never know, we might just end up finding a truck stop where you can get a Diablo Sammich and a Dr. Pepper (and make it fast, I'm in a goddamn hurry!).

If you don't get that reference, well then I just don't think I want to be associated with you.

And please, share any ramblings you might have experienced lately. I love to hear about a good roadtrip or getaway. Let me know about your eats, drinks, meets, catches, traipses, and meanderings. I don't care if you drive ten miles out of town or go across sea, it's still a ramble, and I still dig it. You can either comment on this blog or start your own. Try something out, then let me know about it. I think that'd be tops.

And don't forget, if you run across a place that needs a little credit because they helped make your ramble a success, let us know. They deserve it.

Fun shit, everybody! Ramble on!
